Health Games Database
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Luke, C. (1999). What next? toddler netizens, playstation thumb, techno-literacies. Contemporary Issues in Early...
Lyons, E. J., Tate, D. F., Ward, D. S., Bowling, J. M., Ribisl, K. M., & Kalyararaman, S. (2011). Energy...
Lyons, E. J., Tate, D. F., Komoski, S. E., Carr, P. M., & Ward, D. S. (2012). Novel approaches to obesity...
Macgregor, D. M. (2000). Nintendonitis?: A case report of repetitive strain injury in a child as a result of playing...
Maddison, R., Mhurchu, C. N., Jull, A., Jiang, Y., Prapavessis, H., & Rodgers, A. (2007). Energy expended...
Madej, K. (2003). Towards digital narrative for children: From education to entertainment: A historical perspective...
Madsen, K. A., Yen, S., Wlasiuk, L., Newman, T. B., & Lustig, R. (2007). Feasibility of a dance videogame to...
Maeda, Y., Kurokawa, T., Sakamoto, K., Kitamoto, I., Ueda, K., & Tashima, S. (1990). Electroclinical study of...
Malone, T. W. (1982). Heuristics for designing enjoyable user interfaces: Lessons from computer games. In ...
Malone, T. W. (1981). Toward a theory of intrinsically motivating instruction. Cognitive Science, 5(4), 333...
Maloney, A. E., Bethea, T. C., Kelsey, K. S., Marks, J. T., Paez, S., Rosenberg, A. M., et al. (2008). A pilot...
Mantovani, F., Castelnuovo, G., Gaggioli, A., & Riva, G. (2003). Virtual reality training for health-care...
Markovitz, J. H., Raczynski, J. M., Wallace, D., Chettur, V., & Chesney, M. A. (1998). Cardiovascular reactivity...
Marshall, A. L., Leslie, E. R., Bauman, A. E., Marcus, B. H., & Owen, N. (2003). Print versus website...
Marshall, S. J., Biddle, S. J., Gorely, T., Cameron, N., & Murdey, I. (2004). Relationships between media use,...
Masendorf, F. (1995). Training learning-disabled children's spatial abilities by computer games. European...
Masuko, S. & Hoshino, J. (2006). A fitness game reflecting heart rate. In Proceedings of the 2006 ACM SIGCHI...
Matsuda, G., & Hiraki, K. (2006). Sustained decrease in oxygenated hemoglobin during video games in the dorsal...
Mattila, J. & Väätänen, A. (2006). UbiPlay: An interactive playground and visual programming tools for children...
May, C. A. (1994). Addiction to video and computer games: A case-study. Nervenheilkunde, 13(6), 314-317....
Mayo, M. J. (2009). Video games: A route to large-scale STEM education? Science, 323(5910), 79-82.
Mazur, A., Susman, E. J., & Edelbrock, S. (1997). Sex difference in testosterone response to a video game...
Mcclurg, P. A., & Chaille, C. (1987). Computer games: Environments for developing spatial cognition? Journal...
McDougall, J., & Duncan, M. J. (2008). Children, video games and physical activity: An exploratory study. ...
McKenna, P. H., Herndon, C. D., Connery, S., & Ferrer, F. A. (1999). Pelvic floor muscle retraining for...