Health Games Database
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Karim, S. A. (2005). PlayStation thumb – a new epidemic in children. South African Medical Journal...
Kasteleijn-Nolst Trenit, D. G., Martins da Silva, A., Ricci, S., Rubboli, G., Tassinari, C. A., Lopes, J.,...&...
Kasteleijn-Nolst Trenite, D. G., Martins da Silva, A., Ricci, S., Binnie, C. D., Rubboli, G., Tassinari, C. A.,...
Procci, K., Bowers, C., Wong, C., & Andrews, A. (2013).Minigames for mental health: Improving warfighters...
Kato, P. M., Cole, S. W., Bradlyn, A. S., & Pollock, B. H. (2008). A video game improves behavioral outcomes in...
Kato, P. M., & Beale, I. L. (2006). Factors affecting acceptability to young cancer patients of a...
Kautiainen, S., Koivusilta, L., Lintonen, T., Virtanen, S. M., & Rimpela, A. (2005). Use of information and...
Kazakos, K., Bourlai, T., Fujiki, Y., Levine, J., & Pavlidis, I. (2008). NEAT-o-Games: Novel mobile gaming...
Ke, F. (2008). A case study of computer gaming for math: Engaged learning from gameplay? Computers &...
Kebritchi, M., & Hirumi, A. (2008). Examining the pedagogical foundations of modern educational computer games...
Kennedy, R. S., Bittner, A. C., Jr., & Jones, M. B. (1981). Video-game and conventional tracking. ...
Kennedy, R. S. (2004). Weblogs, social software, and new interactivity on the web. Psychiatric Services...
Khoo, E. T., Lee, S. P., Cheok, A. D., Kodagoda, S., Zhou, Y., & Toh, G. S. (2006). Age invaders: Social and...
Kiili, K. (2005). Digital game-based learning: Towards and experimental gaming model. Internet and High...
Kimata, H. (2003). Enhancement of allergic skin wheal responses in patients with atopic eczema/dermatitis syndrome...
Kirriemuir, J. (2002). Video gaming, education, and digital learning technologies: Relevance and opportunities. ...
Kirschbaum, C., & Hellhammer, D. H. (1989). Salivary cortisol in psychobiological research: An overview....
Klingberg, T., Fernell, E., Olesen, P. J., Johnson, M., Gustafsson, P., Dahlstrom, K.,...Westerberg, H. (2005)....
Koepp, M. J., Gunn, R. N., Lawrence, A. D., Cunningham, V. J., Dagher, A., Jones, T.,...Grasby, P. M. (1998)....
Kolko, D. J., & Rickard-Figueroa, J. L. (1985). Effects of video games on the adverse corollaries of...
Krendl, K. A., & Lieberman, D. A. (1988). Computers and learning: A review of recent research. Journal of...
Kreuter, M. W., Oswald, D. L., Bull, F. C., & Clark, E. M. (2000). Are tailored health education materials...
Krichevets, A. N., Sirotkina, E. B., Yevsevicheva, I. V., & Zeldin, L. M. (1995). Computer games as a means of...
Krishna, S., Francisco, B. D., Balas, E. A., Konig, P., Graff, G. R., & Madsen, R. W. (2003). Internet-enabled...
Kroeze, W., Werkman, A., & Brug, J. (2006). A systematic review of randomized trials on the effectiveness of...