Feltz, D. L., Irwin, B., & Kerr, N. (2012). Two-player partnered exergame for obesity prevention: Using discrepancy in players' abilities as a strategy to motivate physical activity. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 6(4), 820-827.
Feltz, D.L., Irwin, B., & Kerr, N., Two-Player Partnered Exergame for Obesity Prevention: Using Discrepancy in Players' Ability as a Strategy to Motivate Physical Activity, examined the influence of a virtual partner who was more capable than the player in carrying out physical challenges in an EyeToy Kinetic motion sensor exergame; study participants were college students. Each player in the study knew that the team could perform only as well as the weaker team member, and this motivated the player to strive to complete the workout challenges, to keep up with the more capable virtual partner. The study found that the player exerted the most effort when the virtual partner was moderately more capable than the player, compared to a virtual partner that was only slightly more capable or extremely more capable. These findings will help future game designers use avatars and other types of virtual characters more effectively as workout partners that can motivate players to exert increased physical effort and sustain it for longer periods of time. Grantee: Michigan State University.